
The Cybersecurity Executive Order: What You Need To Know and Why

On May 11, 2017, the Presidential Executive Order 13636 on Strengthening the Cybersecurity of Federal Networks and Critical Infrastructure (“Cybersecurity Executive Order”) was released. ...
June 29, 2017

Hidden Cost of Cyberattacks: What Automation Can Do to Save You Money

In 2016, Deloitte published its white paper on the hidden cost of cyberattacks. The firm reported that of the fourteen “impact factors,” some are obvious while others are less so. Cybera ...
June 27, 2017

How Today’s Credit Card Controls Evolved from a Lost Wallet

Credit cards have come a long way since the night in 1949 when Frank McNamara, out for dinner with his clients, realized he had forgotten his wallet and wished for some sort of account to wh ...
June 22, 2017

Vetting Vendors: You Are Not the Weakest Link

Vetting vendors can almost feel like a game show that has stakes higher than any prize. Anyone who remembers the old television show The Weakest Link can vividly recall how one by one, each ...
June 22, 2017

GDPR Compliance: An Introduction to the Legislation (Part 2 of 2)

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) enforcement date, May 25, 2018, is now less than a year away. With this in mind, companies are scrambling to decode 260 pages of regulation t ...
June 15, 2017

GDPR Definition: An Introduction to the Legislation (Part 1)

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) incorporates a lot of new definitions. The enforcement date of May 25, 2018 is now less than a year away. With this in mind, companies are sc ...
June 13, 2017

Wednesday’s Women in Infosec: Eleanor Dallaway

This month's Wednesday's Women in Infosec profile, Eleanor Dallaway, is another one of the 119 Twitter accounts you need to be following. Ms. Dallaway has a long career in the infosec space. ...
June 7, 2017

Legal Liability in Information Security: How Compliance Can Be Used to Protect Assets

Although the word Wannacry may feel overused by now, one of the most important things going forward is going to be reviewing legal liability in information security arising out of a ransomwa ...
June 2, 2017