Compliance Offers Internal Stakeholder Value: Automation as Transmogrifier
Compliance offers internal stakeholder value even though your stakeholders don't always see it. Anyone who's ever been a fan of Calvin and Hobbes cartoons will remember Calvin's transmogrifi ...
October 31, 2017
Risk Management Automation and Customer Engagement: Rupees in the Grass
Risk management automation and customer engagement don’t automatically appear interrelated. In The Legend of Zelda, rupees (the game’s form of currency) could be obtained in exciting way ...
October 26, 2017
Tiphaine Romand-Latapie: Wednesday’s Women in Infosec
Photographer: Gilles Cohen
Tiphaine Romand-Latapie is leading a team of hackers at Airbus. Tiphaine's first love is cryptography. She previously worked as a telecommunications operator Oran ...
October 25, 2017
Challenges of Compliance Management: Automation to the Rescue
The challenges of compliance management are increasing, not decreasing. As data breaches hit the news regularly, you’re stuck between your customers and your Board. Both want answers, but ...
October 12, 2017
7 Challenges of Being an IT Compliance Manager: Automation Makes You an American Ninja Warrior
The challenges of being an IT compliance manager compare to those the American Ninja Warriors face. Competing against not only others but also themselves, American Ninja Warriors run increas ...
October 10, 2017
Cybersecurity Awareness Training Game to Celebrate Cybersecurity Awareness Month
The importance of cybersecurity awareness training should be value with the joyful whoops of winning, not the eyerolls of forced education. Simultaneously, cybersecurity Awareness Month does ...
October 5, 2017